RGBW DURASTRIP, RGB colours along with a shade of warm white.
Introducing a white spectrum the saturated RGB tones are "intensified" and the nuances that can be obtained increase: at the same time white can be enriched with RGB colours to obtain surprising pastel tones.
RGBW offer the possibility to obtains a "real" white in the indicated tone, 2700K or 3000K and not a white obtained by overlapping red-green-blue, i.e. the one produced by RGB strips.
White emission from the LED quad is more efficient than coloured LED sources which means RGBW strips are more high performance and suitable for professional uses.
They can be interfaced with special 4 channel controllers, Code ZKCDMXW to obtain all required tones in a continuous way.
Complete with 3M double-sided tape to attach to the surface and jumpers to be screwed to the surface.
When using double-sided tape degrease the application surface adequately.
Usage information
Dimmable 0-100%
Analogue and digital domotic control systems
CASAMBI compatible
Power supply
Full power RGB+White = 75W; only white = 18W; only red = 22W; only blue = 18W; only green = 16W.
Packaged in 5 meters reels.
Different LED packaging technology with this strip with 4-in-1 CHIP that makes it possible to obtain an unrivalled uniform light output. A prefect colour mix.
Lifetime: >30,000h
Warranty: 3 years
Colour of the light
RGB + 2700K
RGB + 3000K
Terminals with free wires.
Maximum connection length 5 m. Max 4A in total.
For longer connections, connect in series or parallel, see diagram.
Strips can be cut to size by following the cutting indications printed on the strips.